Friday, March 19, 2010


Since Chloe turned 1 and now Austin is 2.5, everything seems to be falling into place (ok, I'm writing like they tuned 18 and they are leaving the nest), I guess because we survived a whole year with kids that are only 18 months apart. To us that is a huge accomplishment. Not that we weren't going to make it, but there were times where I don't know if I saw the light at the end of the tunnel. With that being said, I feel like its time to do little things for myself and to find myself outside of mommyhood. Your probably thinking "what about Mamma Tortilla", well yes I have Mamma T but I crave for some more outlets and more creativity that I can share here.

This week I started a 6 week online e course called Persisting stars ~ Yes~ e-course. LOVE IT so far! and it's only the first week. We journal everyday and have interesting photography assignments that take us out of our box. Madelyn, the instructor, really makes you think in all of her assignments and helps you say Yes! to your dreams :) I will be posting some pictures of the assignments we do as the weeks go on. I'm hoping this class teaches me to say Yes! to more things and instead of letting fear and hesitation take over.

Of course, Mamma T is still crafting but you might be seeing more pictures and other inspiring things as well. That's why I like blogging because there isn't any limitation of what we can post, do, and help others to unleash their creativity.


  1. Im happy for you Les. You need to do more for you. The happier mommy is, the better off the kids are. You deserve the You time :)

  2. thanks for your thoughtful comment on my blog! i wanted to let you know i updated my website to am excited to browse your pretty space. happy weekend. xo.


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